Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 1 Hot Patch 1
Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows 7
Trying to move emails from Mailbox into another folder via the Edit, Move/Link to Folders ability will bring up the "Move/Link Selections to Folder" window, but the check boxes are missing from the window preventing user from selecting desired folder to move the email into.
Updated June 6th 2013 - A fix is available in GroupWise 2012.
A few workarounds:
A few workarounds:
1) Drag and drop the item into the desired folder.
2) The check boxes are just not displaying. They are just invisible. As a workaround, under Edit | Move Link to Folders... | find the folder the item should be moved to. Click just to the left of the folder icon. Notice the Move and Link buttons are now selectable. A check mark does not appear, but it will move or link the item as selected. While kludgy this works.
3) Use a Rule to accomplish the same task, if the user is okay with having this process automated.