Team Manager: Manage User dialog box does not disappear.

  • 7005856
  • 29-Apr-2010
  • 13-Jan-2014


Novell Identity Manager Roles Based Provisioning Module 3.7.0


When the Team Manager selects to Manage a member, Manage dialog box remains and
requires click to continue.  The manage user is incorrect, it is the Team


This behavior will be fixed in the next public patch for Novell Identity Manager User Application 3.7.0 Public patch C which is scheduled to be released in late May 2010.

To obtain the patch latest public patch please visit Novell's Patch Finder website ( do a seach by entering Identity Manager Roles Based Provisioning Module for the product and select the Identity Manager Roles Based Provisioning version that you are using to obtain the latest patch for the version you are using. Please remember that Identity Manager Roles Based Provisioning Module patches are cumulative so if you find a newer version that is listed in this TID report, it will include the fix.