NSL7 in LDAP / CM mode does not receive the updated password from the Novell Client

  • 7005794
  • 20-Apr-2010
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell SecureLogin
NSL Installed in LDAP/ Credential Manager mode (installation option selected to login to LDAP After Successfully logging into Windows)
DoNTAssoc set to "1" or DoClientAssoc set to "1." (Same behavior either way)


SecureLogin does not receive password changes made via "ctrl, alt, del change password."
New password is not passed from the Novell Client to SecureLogin.
The password is not picked up by SecureLogin until manually entered by the user.


Edit the workstation registry and add the following:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Novell\Network Provider\Credential Managers
Value name= SSOPwdSynch
Type = String

Additional Information

Steps to duplicate:
1. User boots workstation and logs into eDirectory tree trough the Novell Client for Windows GINA.
2. SecureLogin makes an LDAP connection to the same tree behind the scenes. SecureLogin "About" shows the primary store as LDAP-Available.
3. Run a notepad script that displays ?sysuser and ?syspassword. These credentials show the values entered by the user to login, as expected.
4. Press "ctrl, alt, del change password" and change the password for the tree.
5. Run the notepad script again. The new password is not displayed; the values shown for ?sysuser and ?syspassword will not have changed. The expected
behavior would have been that the new password would have been typed into notepad.
6. Hit refresh cache, manage logins, or let the cache refresh interval expire. NLDAPAuth will prompt the user to authenticate, and will require the new
7. Run the notepad script again. This time the new password will be displayed.