IDM SAP User Driver &"Unable to get repository" Error

  • 7005786
  • 20-Apr-2010
  • 29-Apr-2013


Novell Identity Manager 3.6.1
Novell Identity Manager Driver - SAP User Management


After installing the SAP User driver, the following communication error may happen when the driver is started:

DirXML Log Event -------------------
    Driver  = \AAAAA-TREE\BBBB\CCCC\IDM\Driver Set\SAP User Management CMP
    Thread  = Publisher
    Level   = fatal
    Message = SAP User Server startup failed: com.novell.nds.dirxml.driver.sapumshim.BapiException: Error connecting to SAP host: (102) RFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION: Unable to get repository.


This is often an issue with the mapping between "sapgw00" and port 3300.  This mapping is usually done by the JCo install, but with SuSE linux it is usually blocked.
The following is a possible solution: 
1 - Replace "sapgw00" in the config with "3300".  Try to start the server.
2 - If step 1 works, you can edit /etc/services and manually add the mapping (if you wish - not required)  The mapping would be:
sapgw00       3300/tcp   # SAP Gateway Port