How to install eDirectory on new OES2 sp2 Linux server

  • 7005783
  • 19-Apr-2010
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 2
Novell eDirectory 8.8 for Linux


eDirectory installation fails.
ERROR: /opt/novell/eDirectory/bin/ndsconfig return value = 74
ERROR: ndsconfig failed to install and configure eDirectory


  1. Before adding OES2 sp2 product, ensure the following changes are made on the server:
    • Check SuSE Firewall and stop it
      rcSuSEfirewall2  stop
      rcSuSEfirewall2 status         # it should show as unused
    • You can also check the firewall status from YAST
      open YAST | Security and Users | Firewall | select the service as manually and  click on stop Firewall Now | next and accept | finish.
    • Check hosts file
             cd /etc  | vi hosts  | press insert and add the Master server in the list and save the changes.
    • Check hosts.nds file
             cd /etc  | vi hosts.nds [create it if not present] and make the following changes:
             [TREENAME].    [Master_IP_Address]
             ACME.     #(note trailing dot after the tree name) thereafter press tab and type the IP address
             save the changes
    • Check ntp.conf file
             cd /etc | vi ntp.conf file and type the IP address of the time provider server as shown below:
             server [IP Address]
    • Restart ntpd and Network card
           rcntp restart
        rcntp status
             # it should show as running
      rcnetwork restart
        rcnetwork status
           # it should show as running
  2. Now add OES2 sp2 as add-on
    YAST | Software | Add-on Product | select the OES2 sp2 CD and click next
  3. eDirectory installation
    Select Novell eDirectory and click on Accept | select existing tree, specify the tree name and click on the check box for "Use eDirectory Certificates for HTTPS Services" and click next | enter IP address of existing eDirectory server containing replica, proper FQDN for the admin user and enter admin password and click on next | enter proper server context and keep default settings for remaining parameters and click on next | enter  IP address of the NTP server and enter IP address of the SLP DA server if SLP is configured in the tree and click on next | on Novell Modular  Authentication Service, select the NMAS method which are being used or keep default options and click on next and summary page is displayed and then click on "Finish".