Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management Support Pack 2 - ZDM6.5 SP2 Inventory
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1 Inventory
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management on Linux Support Pack 1 - ZDML7 SP1 Inventory
Needed data that built-in queries do not cover in the ZDM Documentaion (sections 44.1, 75.3, 77.3).
Conditions for 'Installed Module Name ' is not found in the ZDM documentation:
Display Items: Logged-on ID, Computer Name, IP address, Installed Modules Name
u.id$, <computer name>, ip.Address, im.ProductIdentifier
u.id$, <computer name>, ip.Address, im.ProductIdentifier
CIM.UnitaryComputerSystem u,
MW_DBA.InstalledSoftware im,
CIM.IPProtocolEndpoint ip,
CIM.UnitaryComputerSystem u,
MW_DBA.InstalledSoftware im,
CIM.IPProtocolEndpoint ip,
Custom SQL query that provided the desired report:
select ip.ucsid, lt.name, ip.Address, im.productidentifier
from MW_DBA.InstalledSoftware im INNER JOIN CIM.t$IPProtocolEndpoint ip
ON ip.ucsid=im.computerid
JOIN MW_DBA.t$LockTable lt
ON im.computerid = lt.id$
from MW_DBA.InstalledSoftware im INNER JOIN CIM.t$IPProtocolEndpoint ip
ON ip.ucsid=im.computerid
JOIN MW_DBA.t$LockTable lt
ON im.computerid = lt.id$
Note for above query:
u.id$ is the workstation id.
lt.name is the name of the workstation
ip.address is the Ip address
im.productidentifier is the installed software identifier
Additional Information
Suggested and tested, but not quite what was wanted:
select u.id$, u.name, ip.address, im.productidentifier, im.friendlyname
CIM.UnitaryComputerSystem u
INNER JOIN CIM.IPProtocolEndpoint ip
ON u.id$ = ip.ucsid
JOIN MW_DBA.InstalledSoftware im
ON ip.ucsid=im.computerid;
CIM.UnitaryComputerSystem u
INNER JOIN CIM.IPProtocolEndpoint ip
ON u.id$ = ip.ucsid
JOIN MW_DBA.InstalledSoftware im
ON ip.ucsid=im.computerid;
Note for above query:
u.id$ is the workstation id.
u.name is the name of the workstation
ip.address is the Ip address
im.productidentifier is the installed software identifier
im.friendlyname is the Software name.