How to map drives to a NetWare or Open Enterprise Server using ncpfs

  • 7005702
  • 07-Apr-2010
  • 05-May-2017

Archived Content: This information is no longer maintained and is provided 'as is' for your convenience.


Open Enterprise Server
NetWare 6.5
Novell Client for Linux


How to map drives to a NetWare or Open Enterprise Server using ncpfs


1. From a terminal as root run "rpm -qa | grep ncpfs".
2. If ncpfs is not installed type "yast -i ncpfs" to install the rpm package.
3. At the terminal use the following syntax to mount a ncp volume:
    ncpmount -s <servername> -A <dns or IP of server> -U <username> -P <password> /<mount point>
    Example: ncpmount -s myserver -A -U admin -P novell /mnt/ncpfiles/
4. Type "cd <mount point> and you wll be able to access the ncp volume.

Additional Information

For legacy systems such as SLES 9, ncpfs is the only way to access ncp volumes.  However, for all desktops and servers running SLE10 SP3 or greater the Novell Client for Linux is recommend.  The Novell Client for Linux can be found at

Please visit the relevant NCP Server Administration Guide documentation for further details.