How to change SQL database connection settings

  • 7005603
  • 02-Apr-2010
  • 22-Jul-2013


PlateSpin Forge
PlateSpin Protect
PlateSpin Migrate


This article outlines how to update the SQL database connection used with PlateSpin Migrate, PlateSpin Protect and PlateSpin Forge.


The steps below will reconfigure the Platespin Server database connection properties as desired. If connecting to a new instance within SQL the new instance must already exist with the Platespin Server databases attached. The user specified in the connection string must have at least DB Owner rights to all databases.

The file below must be run locally on the PlateSpin server for security reasons.

The tool must be run from the command line and is located within ..\PlateSpin Migrate Server\bin or ..\PlateSpin Protect Server\bin or D:\Program Files\PlateSpin Forge Server\bin.


Command line parameters:

/instance=<database instance name>
/username=<user name>

Example: PlateSpin.UpdateConnectionString.exe /instance=SQL_SERVER\SQL_INSTANCE /username=USER /password=PASSWORD