Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 2 - 10.2
How to troubleshoot this error in zmd-messages.log from Content Distribution Point Satellite servers:
ERROR (in zmd-messages.log):
[DEBUG] [03/22/2010 21:06:39.265] [1248] [ZenworksWindowsService] [21] [] [CDP] [] [Replication error - Content meta data error: (Content info for 4cb28623e8b0449cb6e0bfd690d5600a
Version: 1
Size: 124057
Type: Encrypted
Key: Exists
File Name:
Service Id: d0b1169367289f2a344dcaee6f7d9dab
Local Path:
Remote Source: None
Error Status: Success
)] [] []
Version: 1
Size: 124057
Type: Encrypted
Key: Exists
File Name:
Service Id: d0b1169367289f2a344dcaee6f7d9dab
Local Path:
Remote Source: None
Error Status: Success
)] [] []
In the error above, the GUID of the content can be used to find the owning bundle package. Using database query, for the example above, run the following query:
select * from zBundle where zBundle.ZUID in (select ContainingObjectUID from zLinkedObject where ContentUID in (select ZUID from zContent where ZUID = 0x4cb28623e8b0449cb6e0bfd690d5600a))
Check the owning bundle content tab for primary server availability.
Note in the error above, the "Remote Source " is not set. This can happen when when the content has not been packaged yet on the Primary server.
For a list of remote sources for content, run zac zeninfo on the Satellite server (note: Windows Satellite only).
In the zeninfo output, select ZENCache/ContentMgr::ContentList