Install of IDM 361a fails on Windows 2008 R2 with error: Java Platform SE Binary has stopped working

  • 7005501
  • 17-Mar-2010
  • 26-Jul-2012


Novell Identity Manager 3.6.1
Novell Identity Manager Engine


Install of IDM 361a fails on Windows 2008 R2 with error: Java Platform SE Binary has stooped working.  This problem happens when installing on Windows 2008 R2 standard or enterprise versions.  The error happens while it is installing the Roles Service driver.


To work around the problem, try running the install again after rebooting the server.  Make sure that eDirectory is at least up to eDirectory 885 FTF3 before trying the install.  The problem is tied to a problem in eDirectory that should be fixed in a later version.  The bug number is 550156.