Importing Test Suites

  • 7005392
  • 25-Feb-2010
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Privileged User Manager 2.2


How to import an individual Test Suite


When you export an individual Test Suite from Novell Privileged User Manager it creates an XML formatted file with a specific ID, which is tied to the exported environment.  Because the export has a specific ID, without some manual manipulation of the XML export, you can ONLY import it back into the same environment.

However there are times that you may want to import an individual Test Suite. To do this, you'll need to change the XML file slightly.

In the following example snippet of the XML export, the specific ID is 3671

  <a.TestSuite name="eDirectory Test Suite""3671">
    <Description value=""/>

Change from:
  <a.TestSuite name="eDirectory Test Suite""3671">

Change to:
  <a.TestSuite name="eDirectory Test Suite"action="set">

After making the above change, you will be able to import the Test Suite.