novell-afptcpd fails to load on 32bit OES2SP2

  • 7005351
  • 17-Feb-2010
  • 08-Nov-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 2 (32bit only)
afptcpd version 1.1.0-0.10 and version 1.1.0-0.12


After updating to the very latest maintenance patch level for OES2SP2 32bit, the afptcpd service exits with a segmentation fault if the avahi-daemon is already active. Starting the service results in:

# /etc/init.d/novell-afptcpd start
Starting the novell-afptcpd daemon done
# /etc/init.d/novell-afptcpd status
Checking for service novell-afptcpd unused



Please update to novell-afptcpd version -1.1.0-0.13.1 via online update.

Additional Information

Avahi is a daemon to discover network services to configure a client in a given environment automatically. It is safe to turn it off and disable its automatic startup (insserv -r avahi-daemon) in case it is not used.