How to configure Managed Objects with SSL

  • 7005256
  • 29-Jan-2010
  • 26-Jun-2012


Business Service Manager 4.5


Error: "bad appearance file" in the Chart Builder portlet


SSL Configuration - Managed Objects
1. Create the cert files
    e.g. gencert -host <histname>
    hostname is the fully qualified host name.
2, Import the certificate into all the JREs that are being used (if they are different - normally they are the same)
    keytool -import -v -alias [hostname] -file keystore.cer -keypass changeit - keystore location_to_1.5_JRE_cacerts -storepass changeit
3. Update the Managedobjects/config/keystore with the newly generated keytore file.
4. Restart