Error "The Tree or Server Cannot Be Found" with LDAP Contextless Login enabled

  • 7005244
  • 27-Jan-2010
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Client for Windows Vista 1.0
Novell Client 2 for Windows Vista/2008
Novell Client 2 for Windows Vista/2008 (IR1a)
Novell Client 2 SP1 for Windows


When a new user attempts to log in on a machine where LDAP Contextless Login has been enabled, an error such as "The tree or server cannot be found. Choose a different tree or server." is displayed.


Populate the "Tree:" value in the System Login Profile named "Default". Then, when new users who have never logged on before attempt to login, the eDirectory tree in the login dialog is defaulting to the eDirectory tree for which LDAP Contextless
Login is enabled, rather than "blank". An alternate approach could be to enable treeless login.