Sending appointments to yourself or including yourself, are Auto-accepted with GroupWise 8

  • 7005235
  • 27-Jan-2010
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 1
Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 1 Hot Patch 1


When sending an appointment to yourself or including yourself, the appointment does not show up in your Mailbox.  It goes directly to the Calendar and is auto-accepted.


This is working as designed.
This was changed in GroupWise 8 to make it easier for the creating end user to not have to accept the appointment they just created.

Additional Information

In GroupWise 7.x when sending an appointment to yourself the appointment went into the Mailbox unaccepted.
In GroupWise 8.x when sending an appointment to yourself the appointment goes into the Calendar accepted automatically.