How to set iFolder Client Logging to debug on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, SLED 10/11, and MAC

  • 7005232
  • 26-Jan-2010
  • 28-Jun-2012


Windows desktop platform
Linux desktop (SLED10)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11


You need to turn on debug logging in the iFolder 3.x client for troubleshooting.


Windows XP:

To set client to debug mode edit the Simias.log4net file in C:\Documents and Settings\$userid$\Local Settings\Application Data\simias

The default setting is INFO, and needs to be changed to DEBUG and the client restarted (see example below).

The Simias.log is in C:\Documents and Settings\$userid$\Application Data\simias

The UI log is in C:\Documents and Settings\$userid$\Application Data\iFolder\ifolder.log

To set client UI to debug mode edit the UI.log4net file in C:\Documents and Settings\$userid$\Local Settings\Application Data\simias

Windows Vista and Windows 7:

To set client to debug mode edit the Simias.log4net file in C:\Users\$userid$\AppData\Local\simias

The default setting is INFO, and needs to be changed to DEBUG and the client restarted (see example below).

The Simias.log is in C:\Users\$userid$\AppData\Roaming\simias

The UI log is in C:\Users\$userid$\AppData\Roaming\iFolder\ifolder.log

To set client UI to debug mode edit the UI.log4net file in C:\Users\$userid$\AppData\Local\simias

SLED 10/11:

To set client to debug mode edit the Simias.log4net file in /root/.local/share/simias

The default setting is INFO, and needs to be changed to DEBUG and the client restarted (see example below).

The Simias.log is in /root/.local/share/simias


To set client to debug mode edit the Simias.log4net file in <home directory>/.local/share/simias

The default setting is INFO, and needs to be changed to DEBUG and the client restarted (see example below).

The Simias.log is in <home directory>/.local/share/simias


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



    <appender name="RollingLogFile" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">

      <file value="/media/nss/iFolder/simias/log/Simias.log" />

      <rollingStyle value="size" />

      <appendToFile value="true" />

      <maximumFileSize value="10MB" />

      <maxSizeRollBackups value="10" />

      <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">

        <conversionPattern value="%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n" />




      <level value="INFO" />

      <appender-ref ref="RollingLogFile" />


    <appender name="AccessLogFile" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">

      <file value="/media/nss/iFolder/simias/log/Simias.access.log" />

      <rollingStyle value="size" />

      <appendToFile value="true" />

      <maximumFileSize value="10MB" />

      <maxSizeRollBackups value="10" />

      <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">

        <header value="#version: 1.0&#xA;#Fields:**date**time**method**status**user**uri**id**&#xA;" />



    <logger name="AccessLogger" additivity="false">

      <level value="INFO" />

      <appender-ref ref="AccessLogFile" />


