How to uninstall/remove and reinstall iFolder client from Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7

  • 7005231
  • 26-Jan-2010
  • 02-May-2012


Windows desktop platforms
Novell iFolder


iFolder 3.x client has become corrupted etc and needs to be removed and reinstalled. The conventional uninstall from add/remove programs does not resolve the problem.


How to do a clean install of the iFolder client on a Windows XP workstation:

1. Uninstall the client from Add/Remove programs
2. Delete the C:\Documents and Settings\$userid$\Local Settings\Application Data\simias directory
3. Delete the C:\Documents and Settings\$userid$\Application Data\simias and iFolder directories
4. Reboot the workstation and reinstall the iFolder client.

How to do a clean install of the iFolder client on a Windows Vista and Windows 7 workstation:

1. Uninstall the client from Add/Remove programs
2. Delete the C:\Users\$userid$\AppData\Local\simias directory
3. Delete the C:\Users\$userid$\AppData\Roaming\simias and iFolder directories
4. Reboot the workstation and reinstall the iFolder client.