Appointments from Exchange with out a description field get auto retracted by the POA

  • 7005229
  • 26-Jan-2010
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 2
Novell GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 1


Appointments from Exchange with out a description field get auto retracted by the POA.

This happens when an appointment is sent from Outlook to a GroupWise system running a GroupWise 8.0.0 Hot Patch 2 or earlier post office agent. The meeting request needs to have no message body included. This creates an ICS file that has a blank DESCRIPTION field.

When the POA processes the appointment it retracts it immediately after delivery.

The POA log will look something like this:
09:51:21 E20 Processing 4b31e819.ef1 Message ID(4B2A8E24.F04:227:12036)
09:51:21 E20 Sender of message (4b31e819.ef1)
09:51:21 E20 Distribute message from: user name 
09:51:21 E20 Begin distribution to 1 user
09:51:22 E20 Distributed: TestUser
09:51:22 E20 Retracted from: TestUser  
09:51:22 E20 Purge item record  
09:51:22 E20   Created : /gw/po/wpcsin/5/5b31e81a.ef1, 788 bytes Message ID(4B2A8E24.F04:227:120360)
09:51:22 E20   Sender of message (/gw/po/wpcsin/5/5b31e81a.ef1) user name
09:51:22 E20 MTP: Sender thread started for link VCISD: 1 running
09:51:22 E20 Purge message record  

The GroupWise user never sees the appointment as it is immediately deleted after delivery.


This has been fixed in GroupWise 8 Support Pack 1.