Upgrading the ZENworks Linux Management Agent on a device that has ZENworks Configuration Management Primary Server installed

  • 7005160
  • 15-Jan-2010
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management
Novell ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management - ZLM7.3


When upgrading the ZENworks Linux Management Agent through the ZLM Hot Patch channel on a device that has ZENworks Configuration Management Primary Server installed, will update the rpm package “novell-zenworks-jsvc-5.5.20-1.rpm ” to “novell-zenworks-jsvc-7.3.1.rpm ”. After restart of ZENworks Configuration Management Primary Server the novell-zenserver process will not start.


Remove the rpm package “novell-zenworks-jsvc-7.3.1.rpm” and install the rpm package “novell-zenworks-jsvc-5.5.20-1.rpm”.

Additional Information

To prevent this issue before upgrading:

Workaround 1 : 
Lock the  conflicting  ZDML Server  package 'novell-zenworks-jsvc-5.5.20-1'  installed on the  device by using "rug la" command before upgrading the ZLM7.x  managed device using ZLM Hot Patch bundle mirrored to the ZLM server. 

Workaround 2 : 
Search and remove the conflicting ZLM server  packages  'novell-zenworks-jsvc'  from the ZLM Hot Patch bundle. This will prevent upgrade of this conflicting package on  the ZDML  Server device where the Hot Patch bundle is installed.

Workaround 3 : 
Create an upgrade bundle on the ZLM7.x Server using  ZLM7.x Agent ISO and use it to update the devices.

Note : This upgrade issue is not encountered if the ZLM Agent version is 7.3.1( IR1)