Fixed in ZENWorks 7.5 Asset Management Interim Release 20
Interim Releases can be scheduled to run automatically or can be downloaded manually at . The Interim releases can be set up within the ZAM Manager for the Task server to check the site on a scheduled basis, and download and apply them automatically. Please refer to the Help Section for details of how to set up automatic downloads if desired.
Each interim release is cumulative. If Interim Release 20 is not available due to a newer interim release being placed on the website, be assured that the code needed is in the later release.
The problem is that the NC_TimeTable only covers dates up to 2010-01-01. NC_TimeTable has been extended to cover dates 2010-01-02 thru to end of the year 2020.
For version 7.5:
If the interim release 20 cannot be applied due to internal processes then please contact support for an FTF that can be applied.
The filename is 75 Extend Time Table and can be downloaded from
For version 7.0:
There is no Interim release but there is an FTF that can be applied. The filename is 70 Extend Time Table and can be downloaded from
NOTE: DO NOT install in the ZAM bin folder. The binaries have been built exclusively for IR 20. This also need to be run from the bin directory of a Collection server, Task server or a Manager.