WARN - IPRINT:/opt/novell/bin/iprintmig:Warning(11): Error communicating with IDS cn=<driver_store_name>,ou=Printing,ou=<Location>,o=Company on server <target_ip_address>

  • 7005022
  • 13-Dec-2009
  • 29-Apr-2013


NetWare 6.5 SP8
eDirectory 8.8.5
Open Enterprise Server 2 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3


iPrint migration was reporting successful, but there were no printers migrated.  The following error was being generated in the migration log file:
WARN  - IPRINT:/opt/novell/bin/iprintmig:Warning(11): Error communicating with IDS cn=<driver_store_name>,ou=Printing,ou=<Location>,o=Company on server <target_ip_address>


Placed an entry in the /etc/hosts file with a DNS name entry of the Driver Store pointing it to the local ip address
example :-  xx.xx.xx.xx      DriverStore.mycompany.com
Where xx.xx.xx.xx is the ip address of the target migration server.
After doing this, migration completed successfully and the printers showed up in the proper context.