NOWS SBE installation engine hangs when trying to install additional components

  • 7004941
  • 30-Nov-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Workgroup Suite Small Business Edition (NOWS SBE)


If any component installation fails in certain unexpected ways, the installation system can hang when attempting to perform any other new component installation.

The tell tale symptom of this is if when starting an installation in the web GUI, the progress bar does not appear at all (0% complete), and the installer reports something like "Starting task".

/var/log/simba/server.log does not show anything particularly helpful


Shutdown simba:

/etc/init.d/simba stop

Edit the file /var/lib/simba/sbs/conf/installStates.xml

Depending on what components you have installed, the file will look something like this:


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
   <state>installing</state>    <!-- THIS IS THE BROKEN ONE -->


One of the components' 'state' will be marked as 'installing'. Change this state to 'not-installed':

e.g., <state>not-installed</state>

*Be sure you leave the XML as valid xml or you will break things even more.

Start simba:

/etc/init.d/simba start