POA Shutting down threads

  • 7004874
  • 17-Nov-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7


* The POA will shut down one thread, each time it encounters a 8101 error. The threads gradually reduce until one thread is left. Increasing the threads from POA web console will temporarily  increase the threads, but the POA will shut down the thread again when it encounters a 8101 error.

* Messages start to build up in the post office queues.


This has been reported to Engineering and fix is available in a FTF. The fix will be officially released in GroupWise 7.0.4

* You can restart the POA or increase the threads from Web console, as a workaround.

Additional Information

The Post office reduces a thread at a time whenever it receives a memory function failure.The threads will gradually reduce to a single thread. The Post office will keep working on one thread. However, running the POA on one thread can issues like slow processing of messages and building of message queues.

The code that shuts down the threads, each time POA encounters a 8101 error, has been removed. This code does not exist  in GroupWise 8.0.1.