iPrint printing delays or ipsmd crash with 3rd party accounting enabled

  • 7004872
  • 17-Nov-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iPrint for Linux


Significant print delays exist when a Linux iPrint printer is configured with a 3rd party accounting solution.   This problem is reported when novell-iprint-server RPM dated Sept or Oct 2009 is installed.
Alternatively, iPrint (ipsmd) server may crash or hang when a print job is sent to the server after a 3rd party accounting application is enabled via the "Accounting autoload command".
These symptoms can exist with OES 2 SP1 or OES 2 SP2. 


The fix is available for OES 2 SP1 and SP2 by accepting the updates in the channel.  For OES 2 SP2, accept  novell-iprint-server-6.2.20100107-0.5 or later.  For OES 2 SP1, accept novell-iprint-server-6.1.20091224-0.2.i586.rpm or later.