Unable to salvage files with trustees assigned to them.

  • 7004859
  • 16-Nov-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Support Pack 1 Linux


Unable to salvage files that have trustees assigned to them.

Using the Novell Client for Windows you get the following error message: "a file name or directory must not contain the characters /\:*?"<>| and must have a length of at least one character."

Using iManager then "Files and Folders" then "Deleted Files" you try to salvage and you get a Plugin Error: "Files and Folder plugin encountered an error.  Click the Details button for more information"
Here are the top four lines of the details.
novell.jclient.JCException: NWFile.recoverSalvageableFile -255 DSERR_HARD_FAILURE\n at novell.jclient.NWFile.recoverSalvageableFile(Native Method)\n at com.novell.plugins.FileManagerSalvagePage.salvage(FileManagerSalvagePage.java:174)\n at com.novell.plugins.FileManagerSalvagePage.execute(FileManagerSalvagePage.java:80)\n at com.novell.emframe.dev.Task.execute(Task.java:505)\n at com.novell.nps.gadgetManager.BaseGadgetInstance.processRequest(BaseGadgetInstance.java:849)\n at com.novell.nps.gadgetManager.BaseGadgetInstance.handleAction(BaseGadgetInstance.java:2375)\n at com.novell.nps.gadgetManager.GadgetManager.processInstanceRequest(GadgetManager.java:1606)\n at


This is fixed in OES2 SP2.