iPrint migration results in [PrinterAgent]_NW objects

  • 7004844
  • 10-Nov-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iPrint for Linux
Novell iPrint for NetWare


When choosing to "Create target printer objects in:""Context same as source printer context" during the iPrint migration from NetWare to Linux, the NetWare printer agent eDir objects are renamed to have an _NW appended to the end.

This scenario is good (see the "Additional Information" section below), unless the iPrint migration failed for some reason.  The scenario reported to Novell is that the iPrint migration went far enough to do the following:
  • modify the NetWare eDir printer objects to append the _NW characters
  • the printer drivers migrated to the destination (Linux) print server
  • the /opt/novell/iprint/bin/psmimport.xml file exists on the destination server.
However, the printer agents are not created to the Linux print manager.   This presents a challenge because if the iPrint migration is run a second time in an attempt to get the printer agents created to the Linux print manager, the source printers now show modified eDir names (_NW).  The second iPrint migration attempt will fail because the _NW eDir objects already exist in the tree, and therefore cannot be created in eDirectory by the iPrint migration tool to be consumed by the Linux print manager.



Update the rpm containing the file name novell-iprint-server from the channel dated March 12, 2010 or greater.

  1. Ensure the iprintman authentication can succeed:
    • iprntman psm -l
    • When prompted to provide the user name, enter the CN. For example, admin.  Not, admin.novell.
    • If the authentication is successful, continue with step 2.
  2. Modify the /opt/novell/iprint/bin/psmimport.xml by elliminating all references to _NW.
    • Using a text editor, FIND _NW and REPLACE with blank (nothing).
  3. Create the iPrint objects to the Linux print manager using the psmimport.xml
    • iprntman psm --xml-import psmimport.xml
  4. Verify the objects were created to the Linux print manager
    • http://<LinuxIPAddress>/ipp

Additional Information

The _NW characters are appended to the NetWare printer agent eDir objects because the migration does not migrate printer objects, but rather creates duplicate copies of the NetWare iPrint printers to the Linux iPrint print manager.  When choosing to migrate the printer eDir objects to the same container ("Context same as source printer context" option), eDirectory won't allow the PAs to have the same name in the same container.  Therefore, the printer agent eDir objects must be renamed. 

Because the iPrint printers installed to workstations point to the printer agent objects in the Print Manager database, and not the eDir object, users continue to print to the NetWare printers after the migration is complete, even though the object in eDirectory has a new name.  To understand the name relationship between the printer objects in the Print Manager database and eDirectory, run a report through the NDPS Manager Health tool.
  1. Go to https://<ipaddressPrintManager>:8009/PsmStatus
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, choose the "Advanced NDPS Manager Information" button
  3. Click the "Generate Report" link
  4. Check the "Associated NDS Printers" box
  5. Click the "Generate Report" button
The left column shows the printer agent names in the NDPS Print Manager database.  The right column shows the printer agent name in eDirectory.

Whether the iPrint migration succeeds or fails, workstations will continue printing the NetWare printer objects on the NetWare print manager.  To understand how to configure the clients to begin printing to the Linux print manager, refer to documents regarding Printer Agent Redirection or using DNS CNAME bindings to the Print Manager.