Novell GroupWise 8
User and Library in different Post Offices
User with Edit rights to the Document
No Document Reference to the Document in the user's client
ERROR: "Error that occurred: A601-Data list (record) not found"
ERROR: "Type of message: Remove user from doc ref dist list"
ERROR: "Error: Data list (record) not found [A601]" on the POA screen
Admin user receives constant A601 error messages from the Post Office Agent
This issue has been addressed in GroupWise 8.0 SP2
Additional Information
Steps To Duplicate:
- Create 2 Post Offices in the GroupWise System - PO1 and PO2.
- Create Library LIB1 in PO1.
- Create user1 and user2 in PO2.
- Login as user1 and import a Document in LIB1.
- Give Edit rights to user2 to the Document that was imported above.
- Run Quickfinder Indexing on the Post Office Agent.
- Login as user2 and search for that Document.
- Open the Document and the PO1 POA screen should show A601 error message and should send the admin user A601 error message.
- Close the Document.
- Search for the Document again and open it. The POA screen shows no error.
- Delete the Document Reference from the Documents folder.
- Search for the Document again and open it and the POA screens shows an A601 error.