ERROR: "Error that occurred: A601-Data list (record) not found"

  • 7004820
  • 06-Nov-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 8
User and Library in different Post Offices
User with Edit rights to the Document
No Document Reference to the Document in the user's client


ERROR: "Error that occurred: A601-Data list (record) not found"
ERROR: "Type of message: Remove user from doc ref dist list"
ERROR: "Error: Data list (record) not found [A601]" on the POA screen
Admin user receives constant A601 error messages from the Post Office Agent


This issue has been addressed in GroupWise 8.0 SP2

Additional Information

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. Create 2 Post Offices in the GroupWise System - PO1 and PO2.
  2. Create Library LIB1 in PO1.
  3. Create user1 and user2 in PO2.
  4. Login as user1 and import a Document in LIB1.
  5. Give Edit rights to user2 to the Document that was imported above.
  6. Run Quickfinder Indexing on the Post Office Agent.
  7. Login as user2 and search for that Document.
  8. Open the Document and the PO1 POA screen should show A601 error message and should send the admin user A601 error message.
  9. Close the Document.
  10. Search for the Document again and open it. The POA screen shows no error.
  11. Delete the Document Reference from the Documents folder.
  12. Search for the Document again and open it and the POA screens shows an A601 error.