How to update group names in Mobility after renamed in eDirectory.

  • 7004808
  • 23-Oct-2013
  • 10-Dec-2013


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack


Unable to change group name
Update group name that mobility users are members of
Sync problems after group name is renamed
Sync problems after group name is modified

Group name was changed that is used for Mobility Server


Two methods to update the group name on the Mobility Server.

Method 1: Remove - Re-add
  1. Remove the group from Datasync Mobility.
  2. Go to Manage Global Settings, and Poll LDAP Now.
  3. Add the group back to Datasync Mobility.
  4. Go to Manage Global Settings, and Poll LDAP Now.
  5. All users of that Group will be removed, and re-added to the Mobility Server.

Method 2: Update Database.
  1. Log into the database psql -U datasync_user datasync
  2. Get the old path of the group, and make note. (Case Sensitive)
    select dn from targets;
  3. Update the dn of the group in targets with the new name / path from step 2.
    update targets set dn = 'cn=newGroupName,o=Org' where dn = 'cn=oldGroupName,o=Org';
  4.  Update the groupdn of the group in the "membershipCache" table with the new name / path from step 2.
    update "membershipCache" set groupdn = 'cn=newGroupName,o=Org' where groupdn = 'cn=oldGroupName,o=Org';
  5.  Restart datasync
    rcdatasync restart


The database for the Mobility Server stores the group with the old name of the group. This will need to be updated with the new name of the group for the users to continue to sync.