Novell GroupWise Mobile Server 3
Novell GroupWise 8Situation
After first initial login into new GMS mailbox all mails from GroupWise are synced. However, any new mails from GroupWise get synced into the GMS mailbox. Mails created from WebPIM (or mobile device) are synced down to GroupWise.
After you run Reset Account missing items from GroupWise get synced into the GMS mailbox but after that again no new mails from GroupWise will be synced into a GMS.
This problem has been reported to the development. A fix would be considered for SP2.
A root cause of the problem is an extended character(s) use in a domain or in a post office name string. Since you cannot rename a domain, nor a post office, the only possible workaround is to move GroupWise users who use also GMS into a different domain or post office.