Novell GroupWise 8
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux
ERROR: "libXm.so.3 is needed by novell-groupwise-agents-8.0.x-xxxxx.i586"
Message: "OpenMotif was not found on this server. In order to install Agents, the openmotif22-libs package will need to be installed. Do you want o install it now?" is displayed everytime while installing GroupWise Agents
Unable to install OpenMotif on the GroupWise server
Unable to install GroupWise Agents on SLES 11
GroupWise Installation incorrectly reports that OpenMotif installation is complete, even though it does not install it. This has been reported to Engineering. Openmotif is not a part of SLES11 and therefore, it is unable to install it from YaST.
Please follow the steps listed below
Please follow the steps listed below
- Download and extract the latest Support Pack of GroupWise from https://download.novell.com/patch/finder
- Browse to the GroupWise Software Directory/common
- Install it by typing "rpm -ivh openmotif22-libs.rpm " and press Enter. If it gives an error while installing openmotif about conflicting packages, please type "rpm -ivh openmotif22-libs.rpm --force" to install it.
- Now proceed with installing the agents.