How to remove hardwired fields in Teaming Form definitions

  • 7004642
  • 12-Oct-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Teaming 2.x


When customizing a form definition in Teaming there are certain fields that appear to be hard coded or hard wired into the form.  An example of this is the User Profile form where there is first name, middle name, and last name fields.  There purpose of this document is to explain how to remove them.


In the "Form and View Designers" there is for example the "Profile View".
Under this option is for example the "User (_user)" view.
Open this form
Open the "Profile form definition".
Click on the "form" element and then select "modify".
By default this form has a Type of "Profile form with standard elements" selected.
Select "Profile form with nothing included" and click on OK.
That will turn off the built in form elements and undesired fields can now be deleted or never added in the case of a new form.