Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux
Novell ConsoleOne 1.3.6
Microsoft Windows
Novell GroupWise 8 or 2012 snap-ins being used
Domain Directory on NSS Volume
Domain Directory on NCP Volume
ConsoleOne with GroupWise 8 or 2012 snap-ins running on Windows
Message: "To avoid problems with database integrity, please add the setting "CROSS_PROTOCOL_LOCKS 1"" while connecting to Domain on OES Linux
Message "To avoid problems with database integrity, please add the setting "CROSS_PROTOCOL_LOCKS 1" while connecting to Domain on NSS/NCP Volume
Please follow the steps listed below on OES2 SP1 or later. These steps may not be followed on OES2 SP2 server because on OES2 SP2, CROSS_PROTOCOL_LOCKS is enabled by default unless it has been manually disabled in /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf.
Edit /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf file
At the very end, type "CROSS_PROTOCOL_LOCKS 1" without quotes
Save the file
Type "rcndsd restart" and press Enter
Shut down the MTA by typing "rcgrpwise stop DomainName" and press Enter
Start the MTA by typing "rcgrpwise start DomainName" and press Enter
If the Domain is on an NCP or an NSS Volume and GroupWise 8 Agents are being run, it should automatically create a file named ncpChecked in the Domain Directory if CROSS PROTOCOL LOCKS are enabled. This is how GroupWise 8 snap-ins recognize that the CROSS PROTOCOL LOCKS has been enabled.
If the Domain is on an NCP or an NSS Volume and GroupWise 7 Agents are being run and GroupWise 8 snap-ins are being used to manage the GroupWise 7 Domain, then GroupWise 7 agents will not create the file ncpChecked file if CROSS PROTOCOL LOCKS has been enabled because creating ncpChecked is a feature of GroupWise 8. Therefore, whenever ConsoleOne connects to GroupWise 7 Domain, it would give the above warning message even though CROSS PROTOCOL LOCKS has been enabled. In that case, follow the steps listed below to get rid of the warning message:
Create a file named ncpChecked in the Domain Directory.
Edit the file and type the following in the file.
ncp lock checked -
Make sure there is a blank line at the end of the file.
Save the file and restart the MTA.
However, for GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2 and GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2 Hot Patch 1, ncpChecked file does not get created automatically. This is a bug and has been fixed in 802HP3 and above.
Additional Information
Complete warning message:
To avoid problems with database integrity, please add the setting
to the server configuration file
and restart the Novell eDirectory (ndsd) Daemon
More information about CROSS_PROTOCOL_LOCKS and why it is needed is mentioned in the following link