Unable to remove a primary server from ZCC

  • 7004572
  • 30-Sep-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 2 - 10.2 ZENworks Control Center - ZCC


Removed the primary server from server heirarchy successfully
Unable to remove the primary server from ZCC


Verify that there are no tasks running involving the primary server. In this case, an LDAP Import task was still in process that was created using the primary server that was being deleted.

Additional Information

The l4j.log showed the following ERROR:
"2009-09-24 15:36:43,017 http-443-Processor22 org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - error performing bulk delete [delete from zDevice where (ZUID) IN (select ZUID from #zDevice)]
java.sql.SQLException: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "fk_NC_LDAP_CredentialServerUID". The conflict occurred in database "ZCM 10", table "dbo.NC_LDAPImportTask", column 'CredentialServerUID'
The l4j.log was created by copying a log4j.properties file, modified to enable Hibernate Logging, into share/tomcat/common/classes, restarting the zenserver service and reproducing the issue.