Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 1
Randomly the GroupWise Document Conversion Agent (GWDCA), running on NetWare will Crash/Abend, removing the address space the GWDCA is running in.
Address space GWDCA
Page Fault Processor Exception (Error code 00000004)
in various modules such as VSSOI6.NLM, SCCCH.NLM, SERVER.NLM, SYSCALLS.NLM, USERLIB.NLM etc.
Add the /dcafilter-<file extension> switch to the GroupWise POA startup file.
For example: /dcafilter-pdf
Edit the post office startup file. By default, this is located in the server:\sys\system directory and will be named the post office name.poa, for example: hq_po.poa.
All the file types specified in the switch will be skipped in document conversion and indexing.
The /dcafilter-<file extension> will ignore all files with the specified extension.
To ignore multiple file extensions separate the extensions with a comma.
This will ignore files with the extensions pdf and img.
This is only necessary when running the GWDCA on NetWare.
Adding the /dcafilter-pdf switch is preferred over disabling the gwdca.
Additional Information
The Stellent InsideOut viewer technology used in the GWDCA can't handle PDF files on NetWare and is abending.
Coredump.img files and graphic images and movie files may also be too large for the GWDCA to handle. Adding additional file extensions to the /dcafilter switch can eliminate potential problem files. ie: /dcafilter-pdf, img, jpg, bmp, avi, mov
The GWDCA converts attached documents into HTML format and the html files are indexed, allowing the end user to Find text in files. Disabling certain file types may affect the GW client find functionality as the file types specified will not be indexed.
This will be a POA startup switch only. It will not be included in ConsoleOne.
Have you tried resolving this issue using Novell Support Advisor? Visit https://support.novell.com/advisor/ to learn more.