Novell GroupWise 6
Novell GroupWise 6.5
Error: The Novell GroupWare "Object Request Broker' could not be initialized. The address book cannot run.
Can't launch the address book from within the GroupWise client.
Notify will not launch.
Notify appears to start but then disappears.
Can't launch the address book from within the GroupWise client.
Notify will not launch.
Notify appears to start but then disappears.
For the particular release of the GroupWise client, find the oldest date out of GRPWISE.EXE, NOTIFY.EXE, and ADDRBOOK.EXE. Then set the post office minimum client release date to the oldest of these three dates.
Additional Information
The "minimum client release date" setting in ConsoleOne has been enforced for the post office.
Take for example GroupWise 6.5 SP2. The GroupWise client (GRPWISE.EXE) is dated 7/23/2004. The minimum client release date was set for 7/23/2004. However, the address book and notify executables (ADDRBOOK.EXE and NOTIFY.EXE are dated 7/19/2004. Thus, when they initialize and attempt to connect to the POA, they are denied due to the minimum client release date setting.
The minimum client release date setting can be found in ConsoleOne. Got to the Properties of the Post Office | GroupWise tab | Client Access Settings | Lock Out Older GroupWise Clients. From here click Minimum Client Release Date and enter the date of the oldest executable (GRPWISE.EXE, ADDRBOOK.EXE, NOTIFY.EXE).
Formerly known as TID# 10094823