Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 7 Support Pack 1
Sending an email with Object API cuts off last word in body text. For example, sending the message "My dog has fleas" will show as "My dog has" when the recipient opens the message
The "missing" text is only in the GroupWise client. The GroupWise Connector for Outlook and Object API all return the proper message body text. Further, the Draft item created by the Object API shows the proper message body text in the GW CLient, the GW Connector for Outlook, and the OAPI.
Debugging finds one spot in the OAPI where the last NULL character is not counted in the size. This causes the last curly brace in the RTF to be dropped. The GW Windows client does not handle this missing brace - dropping the last word.
This fix has gone into the GW7SP1 patch and beyond