"Failed to connect to server:" when using a Proxy host to connect to Novell Update Server

  • 7004460
  • 17-Sep-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Privileged User Manager 2.2
Novell Privileged User Manager 2.2.1


"Failed to connect to server:"  when using a Proxy host to connect to Novell Update Server
Package Manager: Unable to use Proxy host for https:/nu.novell.com/PUM/packages


Current Workaround:

1.  Download the Novell Privileged User Manager 2.2.1 ISO at https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=x77M7WIi5Ec~

2.  Within the ISO, copy the /Package Manager/novell-npum-packages-2.2.1.tar.gz to a directory such as "framework" on the Package Manager in the "/tmp" directory.   This directory is called "framework" in the rest of these instructions.

3. Extract the file to the "framework" directory.

         For UNIX and Linux platforms, use the following commands:

         gunzip novell-npum-packages-2.2.1.tar.gz

         tar -xvf novell-npum-packages-2.2.1.tar

         For Windows platforms, use WinZip to extract the file.

4. Use the following command to publish the packages to the Package Manager.

         Replace <<admin>> with the name of your admin user.

         For Linux and UNIX platforms:

         /opt/novell/npum/sbin/unifi -u <<admin>> distrib publish -d /tmp/framework

         For Windows platforms:

         c:\Program Files\novell\npum\bin\unifi -u  <<admin>> distrib publish -d c:\tmp\framework

5. When prompted, enter the password for the admin user.

6. (Optional) To view available packages, log in to the Framework Manager, then click Package Manager.

7. (Optional) Delete the "framework "directory.


Reported to Engineering