Delete - Job fails with "An error occurred in the server: The file exists."

  • 7004424
  • 09-Sep-2009
  • 25-Jul-2017


PlateSpin Forge 12.x
PlateSpin Migrate 11.x
PlateSpin Protect 11.x


This article discusses an error that states “The File Exists” when attempting to install the block-based component on a desired source server. A job may also fail with an error message like this, or even during the "Prepare target VM for take control" step. This error will look similar to the below screenshot:
This issue may occur due to excessive temporary files in Windows. There is required temporary free space for proper .NET Framework functionality. 


Platespin recommends deleting the temporary files/folders from the following paths:


1.       %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp

2.       %WINDIR%\Temp


After deleting or backing up the temporary files located in these folders and retrying the job the above error should no longer be returned.


If issues still pertain after following the steps above please contact Platespin support for additional assistance.