Job fails with "path Parameter name: config\MOMLog.evt is not valid for GetLongPath()"

  • 7004422
  • 09-Sep-2009
  • 25-Jul-2017


PlateSpin Migrate 9 .x, 11.x. 12.x

PlateSpin Protect 10.x, 11.x


This article discusses the common job failure with the location of the event logs within the source server’s registry on a Windows-based server. When running a protect job or migration, the job will fail with:

Error Information:

Sending Files (top)

Error Code





path Parameter name: config\MOMLog.evt is not valid for GetLongPath()



Source Method


Source Method Signature

System.String GetLongPath(System.String)

Source Module

C:\Program Files (x86)\PlateSpin Portability Suite Server\Controller\PlateSpin.Utility.dll

Stack Trace

at PlateSpin.LongPathSupport.IO.GetLongPath(String path) at PlateSpin.LongPathSupport.IO.GetAllAttributesForFile(String fileName) at PlateSpin.LongPathSupport.IO.FileExists(String file) at PlateSpin.Athens.Operations.Machine.Copy.Source.LiveTransferHelpers.GetEventLogReaderActions() at PlateSpin.Athens.Operations.Machine.Copy.Source.VolumeServer.CreateFileReader(String[] paths) at PlateSpin.Athens.Operations.Machine.Copy.Source.ParallelServerSkeleton.SendPaths(String[] paths) at PlateSpin.Athens.Operations.Machine.Copy.Source.ServerSkeleton.Send(String[] pathsToRead, IActionContext contextForErrorRecovery) at PlateSpin.Athens.Operations.Machine.Copy.Source.VolumeServer.Send(String[] pathsToRead, IActionContext contextForErrorRecovery) at PlateSpin.Athens.Operations.Machine.Copy.Source.ServeFiles.Execute(IActionContext actionContext) at rollback)


Platespin recommends checking the registry location configured on your source server. This can be done by doing the following:

1.       Open the Registry Editor in Windows on your source server
2.       Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Operations Manager registry key
3.       Edit the REG_SZ file to state c:\windows\system32\config\MOMLog.evt rather then what it would most likely currently state, config\MOMLog.evt
4.       Retry the job
5.       If the job fails again, try restarting the source server and retry the job

If issues still pertain after following the steps above please contact Platespin support for additional assistance at