DLU login will not allow a domain login to occur

  • 7004399
  • 16-Apr-2012
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management
Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management


Attempting to login to eDirectory with a windows domain login and a DLU policy will cause a local DLU login to occur instead of a domain login.
A windows only login to the domain, there is no eDirectory login and the result will be a domain login.


Create a filter in the dlu policy to have the DLU policy apply if the following registry key is set. HKLM\Software\Novell\ZCM\ZenLgn a Dword will exist with DomainLogin and a value of 0.  1=true.

On Windows 7 machines the registry key is not being set correctly.
A fix for this issue is intended to be included in a future update to the product: however, in the interim, Novell has created a patch which is undergoing testing to help ensure that it resolves the issue. If the symptoms described by this TID are being experienced, this "test patch" may be requested by raising a Service Request, and quoting the number of this TID. Note that this Patch has not completed validation by the Novell Test Teams, so should not be used for production.

Additional Information

The registry key is created to help identify whether a user has logged in the domain.  There is also a dword for eDIRLogin if the login occurred in eDirectory 1=true 0=false.