Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 1
Since the upgrade to the SP1 client, the Work In Progress folder shows there are unread messages in the folder. Changing to the folder shows that there are no messages in there that haven't been read
It was requested that the count next to the work in progress folder reflect the number of items in the folder rather than the number of unread items in the folder. The argument was that under normal use, the existing "unread count" is worthless since it is always zero, whereas a total item count could be used to show people how many items were still being worked on.
However there are many third party applications that put items in the Work In Progress folder and mark those items as hidden. Unfortunately the message count code takes these items into account when displaying the total. This explains why there could be a message count for the folder when there are no messages appearing in the folder.
This has been resolved in GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2