Error 81 when connecting to Active Directory with SSL

  • 7004300
  • 26-Aug-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Identity Manager 3.6.1


The Novell Identity Manager Active Directory Driver is set up to connect to an instance of Active Directory. This works correctly until the connection is secured by SSL. Then no users are created or modified and the following error appears in a level 3 trace:

<status level="retry" type="driver-general">
           <message>unable to connect to Active Directory</message>
           <ldap-err ldap-rc="81" ldap-rc-name="LDAP_SERVER_DOWN">
               <client-err ldap-rc="81" ldap-rc-name="LDAP_SERVER_DOWN">Server Down</client-err>


In the iManager Active Directory  driver configuration, under authentication options, SSL was set to SSL = yes. It should be set to no. This parameter refers to SSL encryption between the Active Directory driver shim and Active Directory, not the Identity Manager engine and remote loader, and requires further configuration steps.