Error -299 on ndstrace after installing IDM 3.6.1 on Linux after applying eDirectory 8.8.5 ftf 1

  • 7004299
  • 25-Aug-2009
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell eDirectory 8.8.5 ftf 1 for Linux
Novell Identity Manager 3.6.1 install
Novell Identity Manager 3.6.0 install
Novell Identity Manager 3.5.1 install


Installing Novell Identity Manager, versions 3.5.1 or 3.6 or 3.6.1, on a server that already has eDirectory 8.8.5 ftf1 will cause issues when IDM tries to load. Drivers will not start and give the errors -641 or -783.  Running ndstrace with +DXML and +DVRS flags will show the message:

DirXML JVM interface initialization failed <failed, -299 (0xfffffffffffffed5)>, unloading DIRXML


eDirectory 8.8.5 ftf 1 moved the location of the pre_ndsd_start script from /etc/init.d/ to /opt/novell/eDirectory/sbin.  The IDM installation process updates the file /etc/init.d/pre_ndsd_start with the following code:

if [ -f /opt/novell/eDirectory/lib/dirxml/dirxml-jni-env ] #added by IDM
then                  #added by IDM
        . /opt/novell/eDirectory/lib/dirxml/dirxml-jni-env       #added by
fi                    #added by IDM

  Make sure that the file /opt/novell/eDirectory/sbin/pre_ndsd_start contains those lines, then restart eDirectory. If your /opt/novell/eDirectory/sbin/pre_ndsd_start file is 0 bytes in size, you can just copy the new one created by IDM install using the command:

cp /etc/init.d/pre_ndsd_start /opt/novell/eDirectory/sbin/pre_ndsd_start

  and then restart the ndsd process to pickup the changes.

Additional Information

To restart ndsd on linux, open a command prompt, then type the command:

/etc/init.d/ndsd restart