Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 1
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
How to install GroupWise WebAccess Application on SLES11?
SLES11 does not ship with tomcat. GroupWise WebAccess Application will install tomcat6 while installation.
Make sure to install java-1_6_0-ibm package through YaST before proceeding with the WebAccess Application installation on the server as tomcat6 needs to have Java installed in order to run.
- Launch a Shell Konsole.
- Browse to the GroupWise 8 support pack 1 software using cd command.
- Type "./install" without quotes and press enter.
- Click on "Install Products".
- Click "Install WebAccess Application".
- Once it is complete, click OK.
- Click "Configure WebAccess Application".
If java is not installed, it will pop up a warning message to install java in order to run tomcat6 properly. Make sure its install prior to install WebAccess Application. - Follow the prompts to comple the install. Do not make any changes in the Apache or Tomcat path, GroupWise 8 installer auto detect the path for Apache and Tomcat according to the operating system platform.
- Restart Apache by typing "rcapache2 restart" without quotes and press enter.
- Restart Tomcat6 by typing "rctomcat6 restart" without quotes and press enter.
- Launch the browser and type http://IPAddress/gw/webacc to test WebAccess Application.
Additional Information
The default path for Apache is /etc/apache2/conf.d and for tomcat6 its /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps .