Unable to upgrade SecureLogin SSO Plugin to NSL6.1sp1

  • 7004211
  • 13-Aug-2009
  • 26-Apr-2012


iManager 2.7
SSO.NPM from NSL6.1 Hot Fix 14 installed


Unable to upgrade the sso.npm iManager plugin to the version that ships with
either NSL6.1 or NSL6.1sp1-hotfix1.

Error is returned when adding new plugin to the list of available plugins:

"The Plug-in could not be added to the list of available Novell Plug-in Modules
because its version is lower than the installed Plug-in's version."


Bug report has been entered.

Workaround:  Uninstall the currently installed plugin, and then add the new plugin.

Additional Information

This problem was discovered with an upgrade from the NSL6.1 Hot Fix 14 plugin to the NSL6.1sp1 HotFix1 plugin. 
However, it will prevent upgrading from any previous version to an SSO.NPM from NSL6.1sp1.

Note that iManager shows the installed plugin from hot fix 14 as version 6.1.20090311

After installation iManager shows the installed plugin from NSL6.1sp1HF1 as version

iManager reads version 6.1.2... a higher number than

Thus the error.