All external messages being sent to junk mail folder

  • 7004176
  • 22-Oct-2013
  • 23-Oct-2013


Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 2012
Internet Emails being received by a SPAM Filter Server and being forwarded to GWIA


All external messages being sent to Junk folder
All Internet messages being sent to Junk folder


  1. Launch ConsoleOne and connect to the Domain
  2. Right-click the GWIA object and select properties | SMTP/MIME | Security Settings
  3. If checked, deselect "Reject if PTR record does not exist" & "flag messages with an invalid PTR record as junk mail"
  4. Click Apply & OK


Messages are being relayed from a spam filter, so when the GWIA checks the PTR record, it doesn't match the original message since it is being relayed from spam filter and not directly sent to the GroupWise system