Novell iPrint for NetWare
Novell iPrint for Open Enterprise Server 2 SP1
Novell iPrint Client for Windows 4.38, 5.12, and 5.20
Novell iPrint for Open Enterprise Server 2 SP1
Novell iPrint Client for Windows 4.38, 5.12, and 5.20
Workstation had an iPrint printer installed from a NetWare iPrint server. The administrator redirected the NetWare iPrint printer to a new Linux iPrint printer. The iPrint client would uninstall the NetWare iPrinter printer but would not install the Linux iPrint printer. The target printer would be properly installed if it was located on a NetWare iPrint server.
This problem could be seen in IPPTrace.txt
Examining IPPTRACE from the attempted redirection to a LInux server revealed that the NetWare server's SYS:apache2/htdocs/ippdocs/iprint.ini file had the parameter AllowUserPrintesr=3 and the Linux server's /var/opt/novell/iprint/htdocs/iprint.ini had AllowUserPrinters=2.
This problem could be seen in IPPTrace.txt
Examining IPPTRACE from the attempted redirection to a LInux server revealed that the NetWare server's SYS:apache2/htdocs/ippdocs/iprint.ini file had the parameter AllowUserPrintesr=3 and the Linux server's /var/opt/novell/iprint/htdocs/iprint.ini had AllowUserPrinters=2.
Change the AllUserPrinters parameter on the Linux server from 2 to 3.
Additional Information
In the iprint.ini file, the AllowUserPrinters parameter setting of 2 allows iPrint to only install User based printers. This means the all registry setting for the driver are written to the user HIVE in the Windows Registry. While Microsoft supplies the API's for this mode of printer installation, most printer drivers to not take advantage of them and will not work installed as User Printers.
Setting AllowUserPrinters to 3 forces iPrint to install only workstation printers, which it can do regardless of the rights of the logged in user. This puts all the registry setting in the correct place for the printers to work properly.
Setting AllowUserPrinters to 3 forces iPrint to install only workstation printers, which it can do regardless of the rights of the logged in user. This puts all the registry setting in the correct place for the printers to work properly.