Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1
To define the necessary rights assignments needed to allow a user or group to enable or disable a defined imaging multicast session within a server object.
To define the necessary rights assignments needed to allow a user or group to enable or disable a defined imaging multicast session within a server object.
The group, or user objects need to be assigned as a trustee of the following objects:
Object: Workstation Container
Attribute: zenimgImageFlags
Right: write
Object: Server Object
Attribute: zenimgMcastSessions
Right: write
Object: Server Container (just make the user or group a trustee of this object)
Object: Workstation Container
Attribute: zenimgImageFlags
Right: write
Object: Server Object
Attribute: zenimgMcastSessions
Right: write
Object: Server Container (just make the user or group a trustee of this object)