Access Governance Suite 3.6.1
Access Governance Suite 3.6.2
How to change the IP Address on Access Governance Suite Appliance
To change the IP address or the netmask or default gateway on an appliance use the modifynetworksettings.sh with the syntax below, all 3 variables must be provided.
sudo /usr/bin/modifynetworksettings.sh <new-ip> <Netmask> <Gateway>
To change the DNS entries the setnameserver.sh script is used to rewrite the /etc/resolv.conf file. Use this syntax to modify the appliances DNS entries. :
sudo /usr/bin/setnameserver.sh <nameserver 1> <nameserver 2>
sudo /usr/bin/modifynetworksettings.sh <new-ip> <Netmask> <Gateway>
To change the DNS entries the setnameserver.sh script is used to rewrite the /etc/resolv.conf file. Use this syntax to modify the appliances DNS entries. :
sudo /usr/bin/setnameserver.sh <nameserver 1> <nameserver 2>