Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 7
Post office fails to load with Error D708. Error occurs when loading the POA "Requested record not found (D708).
The problem happens after rebuilding the post office database from ConsoleOne.
This problem can occur if the DC files in the domain directory have been damaged. The DC files found either on the Groupwise CD or in the software distribution directory.
The DC files for the domain will be under a directory called "DOMAIN". There should be 4 files there: GWDOM.DC, GWPO.DC, WPHOST.DC, and WPDOMAIN.DC. Copy these four files to the primary domain and the domain that owns the problem post office.
The DC files for the post office will be under a directory called "PO". There should be 3 files there: GWPO.DC, WPHOST.DC, and NGWGUARD.DC. Copy these three files to the post office with the problem.
Rename the current secondary domain database (WPDOMAIN.DB) and rename the problem post office database (WPHOST.DB). Connect to the Primary domain and rebuild the secondary domain that owns the problem post office. Then connect to the secondary domain and rebuild the problem post office. Last, try to load the POA again.
Update: In one instance, a customer updated directly from GroupWise 7.x to 2102, and was seeing a D708 error when starting the POA after the upgrade. When looking at the properties of the Post Office object in ConsoleOne, there was no time zone selected. After choosing the correct time zone and rebuilding the post office database, the POA loaded correctly.
Update: In one instance, a customer updated directly from GroupWise 7.x to 2102, and was seeing a D708 error when starting the POA after the upgrade. When looking at the properties of the Post Office object in ConsoleOne, there was no time zone selected. After choosing the correct time zone and rebuilding the post office database, the POA loaded correctly.